St. James is observing Holy Week and celebrating Easter at home this year, but there are a number of worship or prayer services that we’ll be holding online. There are also a number of things that you can do with your family at home. Here are some of the things we’ll be doing:
Clik on this sentence here for a full listing of our serivces.
Palm Sunday
For Palm Sunday this year, we’ll focus on the readings. A few of members of the congregation will gather to read our gospel lesson together. We’ll be posting this, along with a prayer and a short sermon, on our Facebook page and webpage on April 5th at 9:30 a.m.
Maundy Thursday
Traditionally, we gather on Maundy Thursday to share a small meal, wash one another’s feet, and for the stripping of the altar. While we won’t be able to gather for any of this, we can still observe Maundy Thursday at home. In the next few days, Father Tim will post some directions on different ways you can pray these services at your home. Check back here in a day or two and it should be up.
Good Friday
Father Tim and Helene, along with AJ and Finn Buckley, will be creating a Stations of the Cross video. They’ll be posting it on April 10th. Father Tim will also post some materials on how you, too, can pray the stations, or how you might observe the day in prayer.
Easter Vigil
Father Tim is taking part in a diocesan-wide effort to bring the Easter Vigil online! Check your e-pistle for the link to our Zoom watch party. We’ll watch the diocesan video, then celebrate the risen life of our Lord Jesus Christ with music and good company.
Easter Sunday Morning
Take some time from big breakfasts and Easter-egg hunts and celebrate the risen life of Jesus Christ with us on Facebook Live. Father Time, Lisa Crew, and Tina Shippey will hold a Eucharistic service, full with incense, bells, and music!