Prayer Breakfast and Bible Study

St. James' Episcopal Church 210 E. 12th Street, Coquille, OR, United States

Each Wednesday morning, we meet to have breakfast together and pray morning prayer.  Following the readings, we discuss the gospel lesson.   Breakfast is free.  All are welcome!

Healing Service

St. James' Episcopal Church 210 E. 12th Street, Coquille, OR, United States

On Thursdays, we gather for a special healing service.  Here we hear from Scripture, listen to a brief homely, then pray for healing.  Anointing with oil is also offered.  Then we move to the Table for the Eucharist, Rite I. All are welcome, even those without special needs of healing.  This is also a good […]

Worship and Eucharist

St. James' Episcopal Church 210 E. 12th Street, Coquille, OR, United States

Our weekly worship of God in Jesus Christ.  Each Sunday we gather to sing songs of praise, pray as the Body of Christ, and hear the Word of God in the Bible.  We also gather to take the Eucharist.  This service is Rite II from the BCP.  All are welcome.  Children are welcome at the […]

Prayer Breakfast and Bible Study

St. James' Episcopal Church 210 E. 12th Street, Coquille, OR, United States

Each Wednesday morning, we meet to have breakfast together and pray morning prayer.  Following the readings, we discuss the gospel lesson.   Breakfast is free.  All are welcome!